جمعية دروب بشعله

explore our
Archeological & Historical Sites

Travel back in time as you explore Bchaaleh’s captivating archaeological and historical sites. Discover the imposing Al Hossen Fortress, a testament to the village’s rich history and strategic importance. Unearth mysteries within ancient sarcophagi and wander amidst centuries-old ruins. Stroll through Bchaaleh’s historic streets and stairways, adorned with traditional Lebanese houses and mantaras, each echoing tales of the past. Let the village’s archaeological treasures guide you through an enriching exploration, where every stone narrates a story of bygone eras.

"Al Hossen" Fortress

It overlooks part of the Lebanese and Syrian coast. It is a natural fortress that can be accessed exclusively from Bchaaleh’s “Midan”. It includes ruins from Greek, Roman and Byzantine civilizations.

The Phoenician Rock

It is believed that the huge rock pierced in the middle, used to be an altar where Phoenicians presented sacrifices to their gods.

A Traditional Olive Mill



Traditional Lebanese Houses & Mantaras